The Internet pages of Vysoká škola manažmentu are ranked 354 in the "Top 400 Ranking Web of World Business School". The #1 rank belongs to the Harvard Business School. The ranking is annually put together by the Cybermetrics Lab from Spain, which focuses on quantitative analyses and contents of web sites of global business schools. In the Slovak national ranking, VSM ranked second after the University of Economics (66), while no other major Slovak universities made it into the top 400 list. The methodology for creating the ranking was based on a combination of four criteria with a different percentage weight. Dominant criterion was, for example, the quantity of information the Website contains, the number of original files (in pdf), or the number of research information and papers published during the period between the years 2001-2008. You can find more information about the study here.
VSM’s inclusion in the "Top 400 Ranking Web of World Business School" proves that we are on the right track in the development of our strategy for Website development, which has its main purpose bringing current and relevant information about our school to our students and to the broad academic community.
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