Vysoká škola manažmentu / City University of Seattle programs
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Courses taught in English

Please, select 3-4 courses per one term from the schedule ONLY

B.S.B.A. (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration)

In case Erasmus students study in classes together with our BSBA students, it is recommended for their English knowledge to be at a minimum level of  B1.

Grading system

Vysoka skola manazmentu / City University of Seattle use a decimal grading system for both undergraduate and graduate courses.

• Undergraduate: Passing grades fall within a range from 4.0 (high) to 0.7 (low). Failing grades are 0.6 and below.

• Graduate: Passing grades fall within a range, from 4.0 (high) to 1.6 (low). Failing grades are 1.5 and below.

Grading scale

Texbook matrix

Schedule for ERASMUS students in the Academic year 2024/ 2025.

Schedule for ERASMUS students in the Academic year 2025/ 2026.


Course Catalog - Course Information Sheets VSM Bc.- download 

Course Descriptions (1 ECTS credit = 1 VSM/CU credit)

AC 215 Fundamentals of Accounting (5 ECTS)
Fundamentals of Accounting emphasizes the preparation and recording of accounting information and is intended for students majoring in accounting. Students will learn about the accounting cycle, the measuring process and the classification of data, and the accounting terminology that is essential to the preparation and effective use of financial principles that apply to statements. This course introduces basic accounting concepts and techniques; fundamentals of the accounting process and preparation of basic financial statements; accounting principles involved in the measurement and reporting of assets and liabilities; elements of consolidated statements and statement of cash flows; and using and interpreting financial statements for decision-making.

BC 303 Statistics (5 ECTS)
This course focuses on the usefulness and limitations of statistical processes and their present day applications. Topics include: descriptive statistics, probability theory and distributions, sampling, hypothesis testing, regression, and correlation models. Students will focus on problem formulation, technique selection and results interpretation. Course Entry Requirements: MTH110. College Math is strongly recommended.

BSM 404 International Business (5 ECTS)
The course examines the forces encouraging businesses to globalize their operations and the rules which govern such activities. Topics include: the legal, business and cultural environments of Asia and Eastern and Western Europe; international business contracts; the resolution of trade and contract disputes; import and export regulations; and international forces affecting the uses of labor, competition and the environment. It is strongly recommended that MG201 and BSC402 be taken prior to this course.

BUS 300 Business Dynamics (5 ECTS)

This course is designed to help students develop an in-depth understanding of the external environment, its building blocks, characteristics (VUCA), behaviors, and impacts on organizations. The distinct design of this class is informed by the fundamental principle that strategic success results from matching the complexity of the company with the complexity of its external environment. Accordingly, a manager’s knowledge and analysis of the external forces and variables (e.g., economic, social, cultural, political, legal, technological, and competitive forces) represent a key component of strategic decision making. In this class, the external environment is recognized as a complex system; therefore, students will be equipped with proper analytical perspectives and tools from Complexity Science to make sense of the market’s behaviors and take a step towards designing strong business models that enable the company to effectively respond to external demands. Primary topics include the external environment as a complex system, the role of the external analysis in strategic planning and decision making, and external forces, variables, and their effects on business.

BUS 304 (BSC407) Organizational Behavior and Leadership (5 ECTS)
Students will investigate dilemmas that routinely plague organizations as well as possible solutions to these dilemmas. Topics include diversity within the organization; conflict and negotiation; perception, motivation and reinforcement; leadership roles throughout the organization and globally; human resource management; team building; organizational cultures; and organizational change and development.

BUS 310 (BC302) Business Communication (5 ECTS)
This course focuses on the fundamentals of communication in the workplace. Students build professional writing and speaking skills to inform, propose, and persuade. Students will also engage in analyzing a case study, developing PowerPoint slides, making an oral presentation and writing e-mail messages, announcements, memos, letters, and reports. Students will learn how to identify an issue, conduct research, organize research findings, and present an argument. Additional topics include formatting business documents and communicating with different audiences.

BUS 315 (BSC401) Financial Accounting (5 ECTS)
Interpretation of Financial Statements focuses on the analysis of publicly issued financial statements for decision-making, and is taught from a user perspective. Students will learn to read, understand, and analyze a set of financial statements in a broad, decision-making context. Emphasis is placed on the consequences of recording accounting transactions on financial statements and the application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Course Entry Requirements: AC215 (or equivalent).

BUS 317 (BSC402) Finance (5 ECTS)
Financing Organizations is an examination of the analytical tools used to manage and control finances. Concepts studied include: the acquisition and oversight of working capital; intermediate and long-term financing; and the cost of capital and capital budgeting. Course Entry Requirements: BSC401 and BC303.

BUS 320 (BSM405) Technology and Operations Management (5 ECTS)
Operations Management explores operations management in the manufacturing and service environments. Topics include: cost accounting information for improving efficiency, product and service quality, total quality management, project management, materials resource planning, value creation, supply chain management and economic value. Students will focus on how to apply these concepts to real world operation functions of both manufacturing and services. It is strongly recommended that MG201 and SSC221 be taken prior to this course.

BUS 330 (INT302) Economic Analysis for Business Decisions (5 ECTS)

This course applies microeconomics and macroeconomics theories to real world scenarios. The primary objective of the course is to teach students how to utilize analytical tools that help to gain an in-depth understanding of the business environment; make sense of the strategic interactions of enterprises; and facilitate effective economic decision making. The concepts familiarize students with the market structure, dynamics, and behaviors including how producers and consumers interact with one another and shape market behaviors. Key topics include consumer theory, intertemporal decisions, market structure, decisions under risk, externalities and market failures, economic forces, and business cycles. Upon completion of this course students will possess sufficient knowledge and skills to make proper judgements regarding the likely consequences of various economic events.

BUS 402 Managing Organizational Systems and Complexity (5 ECTS)

This course is designed to enhance students’ analytical skills in strategic thinking and decision-making through the examination of relevant concepts, tools, and techniques in Complexity Science and Strategic Management. A key component of the strategic management process involves “performing an internal audit,” which helps managers to develop an in-depth understanding of the company’s internal resources, operations, and capacities. The outputs of the internal audit represent strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Informed by the properties of complex systems and equipped with analytical perspectives and tools such as systems thinking and system archetypes, students will be able to analyze and gain insight into the firm’s patterns of behavior and dynamics within various sectors (e.g., management, marketing, finance, operations, and R&D). Students will learn to formulate effective strategies by integrating their knowledge of a company’s inner-workings and the external environment.


BUS 420  Artificial Intelligence (AI) Business Applications (5 ECTS)

This course is designed to introduce students to the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how AI is applied in the business world. The global AI market is growing rapidly, and organizations will need to understand how to leverage AI strategically to remain competitive. An introduction to basic concepts in AI and the different AI capabilities will be the primary focus in this class. Some examples of these capabilities include computer vision, chatbots, recommender systems, and smart speakers. Students will work on real-world scenarios to identify proper areas for the application of AI to solve business problems and create value.

BUS 424 (IS330) Fundamentals of AI (5 ECTS)
This course will cover information systems taxonomies and general applications such as CRM, SCM, E-Commerce, ERP, business intelligence, knowledge management, finance and accounting, personal productivity, computer supported cooperative work (groupware), and global systems. Future trends and directions of information systems will conclude this course. Course Entry Requirements: CS201 (or equivalent).

BUS 426 (BSC400) Business Analytics for Decision Making (5 ECTS)
Decision Modeling and Analysis is an examination of the analytical tools used to make optimal business decisions. Topics include: decision analysis, linear programming, waiting line models and project scheduling. There is strong emphasis on understanding business problems and how model building will assist the decision maker in making better decisions. Students will practice building, using and modifying business analysis models. Course Entry Requirements: BC303.

BUS 430 (MK300) Marketing and Competitive Analysis (5 ECTS)
This course provides an introduction to basic marketing concepts. Topics include the marketing mix, new product development, consumer behavior, customer relationship management, strategic planning and e-commerce. Students will develop a comprehensive marketing plan and apply course concepts to real or imaginary products.

BUS 495 (BSM495) Strategic Management (5 ECTS)
This is a capstone course that provides the student an opportunity to integrate discrete skills gained from prior coursework in general business, accounting, marketing, management, business law, communications, operations, human relations, and information systems. Students address business finance, growth and management issues, and problems, viewing them from multiple perspectives.
The objectives of this course are to foster clarity and depth of learning for students at the culmination of their business education, and to provide a means to measure program learning outcomes. This course utilizes the case study and business simulation methods in which instruction is based on facts or problems as they present themselves to a businessperson. The business simulation (Capsim) requires the student to research and evaluate qualitative and quantitative information, synthesize pertinent data, analyze and define problems, reach conclusions, and present his or her findings in writing, as occurs in a business. The focus of the business simulation method is team communication and decision-making.

CO 210 Oral Communications for Managers (5 ECTS)
This course addresses formal and informal communications as they are applied to managerial responsibilities. It includes development of oral skills in organization leadership, techniques of briefing, and one-to-one communication skills.

CS 201 Information Technologies for Managers (5 ECTS)
This course provides an introduction to the world of information technology, including the Internet, software and hardware, telecommunications, databases, and e-commerce. It examines the opportunities, challenges, and ethical questions brought by the digital age. As a preparatory course for the bachelor’s degree programs in management, it develops students’ skills in commonly used applications.

HR 405 Strategic Management of Human Resources ( 5 ECTS)
This course is designed to identify the role of human resources; the processes and activities used to strategically formulate and implement human resources objectives, practices, and policies to meet the short- and long-range organizational needs and opportunities; human resources contributions to organizational effectiveness.

MATH 110 Introduction to Statistics (5 ECTS)
An introduction to statistics for anyone who has difficulty with the way statistics is usually presented, or who is simply intimidated by the subject. It presumes no statistical background and uses applications to explain statistical concepts without using mathematical symbols and equations. The applications range from sports, advertising, and politics to medicine and psychology. The course will not teach you how to produce statistics but it will teach you how to understand them.

MATH 138 College Algebra (5 ECTS)
This course is an examination of definitions and concepts of College Algebra including a review of fundamental algebra concepts. Topics also include graphing, linear and quadratic equations, linear inequalities, and linear programming. Every concept includes practical everyday applications, which focus on reducing math anxiety. This course satisfies the general math requirement and is essential as preparation for mathematics, statistics, and accounting courses.

MG 201 Introduction to Functions of Management (5 ECTS)
Introduction to planning, organizing, coordinating, staffing, directing, budgeting, controlling, and evaluating functions of management; leadership roles and styles, and development of individual and group effectiveness; managing conflict and change; and the human aspects of management.

PM 401 Fundamentals of Project Management (5 ECTS)
Fundamentals of Project Management, utilizes a real team project to manage a project’s life cycle. Emphasis is placed on activity networks, managing resources, and creating control mechanisms that minimize risk. Project leadership is explored in the context of building effective project teams and maintaining stakeholder relationships. Students will learn and apply basic project management concepts including time and resource constraints, planning, scheduling, work breakdown structure, Gantt Charts, network diagrams, and project control.

SCI 215 Environmental Science (5 ECTS)
This course explores environmental change on a global scale, emphasizing the fundamental concepts of matter, energy, and ecology as applied to contemporary concerns. Environmental issues impacting more than two dozen countries are illustrated in order to develop an international perspective on the environmental challenges facing our planet.

SSC 220 Introduction to Microeconomics (5 ECTS)
This course is an introduction of microeconomic theory with real world applications. Topics include: how households, firms, and governments make decisions of what goods and services to produce, how to produce the goods and for whom to produce them. This course will help you apply the skills and tools learned from theory to current world events.

SSC 221 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5 ECTS)
This course is an introduction of macroeconomic theory with real world applications. Topics include: inflation, unemployment, poverty, deficits, taxes, interest rates, gross domestic product, recession, and international trade. This course will help you apply the skills and tools learned from theory to current world events.


BC 301 Critical Thinking (5 ECTS)
Critical Thinking introduces the student to critical thinking processes used to analyze today's business issues and aid the student in identifying rational solutions. The course focuses on building and analyzing arguments; forms and standards of critical thinking; and evaluating sources of information. Students learn foundational skills that will serve them throughout the program and their business careers.

BC 306 Ethics and Leadership (5 ECTS)
This course provides an overview of various philosophical approaches to ethical decision-making and practical applications involving ethical problems that arise in business. In addition, it introduces the student to the theory and practice of leadership. Topics include the major ethical constructs, approaches to self-knowledge and practical leadership skills. Students will be able to find solutions to ethical dilemmas they may confront during a business career, and have the self-knowledge and leadership skill to follow through with the solution.

COM 450 Journalism (5 ECTS)
Journalism is an exciting, demanding career. This course will examine journalism as an art, a craft and an occupation by looking at the evolution of American journalism, as well as the state of contemporary practices in print, broadcast and online. COM 450 will afford students the opportunity to practice journalistic reporting and writing, will give them the chance to consider journalism ethics and history, and also will provide practical writing experience. This course will help prepare students for writing for a wide range of publications and audiences. Students will learn intermediate and advanced techniques of media writing, especially for print. They will continue to hone editing and revision skills learned in other courses. Course Entry Requirements: ENG 102 (or equivalent).

COM 452 The Craft of the Interview (5 ECTS)
Whether you’re the interviewer or the interviewee, interviewing is valuable as a practical skill for both gathering and delivering information. This course will help refine student interviewing performance at either end of the process. Students will learn how to formulate meaningful questions as the interviewer, offer insightful answers as the interviewee, and explore techniques for avoiding blunders during the interview process. How to prepare for interviews, record and interpret answers, devise follow-up questions, and handle interviews when they take unanticipated turns will be covered. Another component of the course delves into interviewing skills for job-seekers. Course Entry Requirements: ENG 102 (or equivalent).

INT 301 International Relations (5 ECTS)
This is an upper division social science course which evaluates the political and economic behavior of nations in the international arena. Topics examined include: U.S. world leadership, nuclear politics, terrorism, and contemporary trends in the international political economy. This course covers the political and economic aspects of behavior among nations on the international scene. Rather than concentrating on one international region, this course will focus upon the major issues which face the United States in the international arena. The course will cover historical as well as current issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of the United States and the nations comprising Europe and Asia.

INT 304 International Law (5 ECTS)
An examination and analysis of the fundamental concepts of international law. Topics examined include the development of a body of international law; rights of individuals and sovereign states within the international arena; territorial questions; international transactions; diplomatic and state immunities; responsibility of states for international crimes; and the legal issues surrounding armed conflicts.

INT 305 Overview of the European Union (5 ECTS)
This course is a study of the social, economic, political/legal and technological issues surrounding European integration and their impact on strategic management of business. The course also focuses on the changes in Central and Eastern Europe and examines the Single European Market in a global context.

MK 388 Global Marketing (5 ECTS)
This course provides a basis for examining global marketing opportunities and development of appropriate strategies. Emphasis is placed on environmental and cultural considerations as they impact various elements of the marketing mix. Students will apply these concepts via a market audit and competitive market analysis. Course Entry Requirements: MK300.

MK 390 Advertising and Sales Promotion (5 ECTS)
This course investigates various promotional tools used in the communication mix, such as advertising, sales promotion, and publicity, to sell products and services. Concepts include: advertising planning processes, determining advertising and promotional goals and objectives, control and evaluation of advertising and promotional programs, and regulatory issues. Students will develop a comprehensive advertising campaign for a real or imaginary product.Course Entry Requirements: MK300.

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